The Nature of Writing: A Student Manual (2nd edition)

The Nature of Writing is a comprehensive writing manual that comes complete with hundreds of lessons, videos, and exercises. Whether you are a high-school student just learning to construct an essay, or a university student working on a complex term paper, our writing guide provides tips and pointers to help you write organically and with style.

What's included?

  • 216 Lessons
  • 117 Exercises
  • 122 Videos
  • 3 Citation Guides
  • 1 Sample MLA Essay


Learn at your own speed. Take the time to understand concepts fully before moving on. 

Quality Instruction

Our lessons are accessible to a broad range of learners who wish to excel in post-secondary education.
Courses included
You'll get access to 7 subjects areas, 3 citation guides, and 1 set of diagnostic tests.
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Try a Demo

Want to try out our writing guide? Then enroll in our demo course and access select lessons and exercises.

The Nature of Writing is an invaluable tool for students in my junior- and senior-level English courses, who use it for everything from honing their grammar skills to polishing their thesis statements. Students find the website very accessible; it is easy to navigate and describes complex subjects in a clear and approachable manner. As an instructor, I’m impressed by the intellectual rigor of the content and feel confident using the website as a teaching tool.

Dr. Linda van Netten Blimke
Associate Professor of English, Concordia University of Edmonton
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