The Teacher's Guide

This page provides some documentation for how to use our Teacher's Guide (TG). If you have any questions, please contact us and we will do our best to help you out. For more information, see also our page on requesting a teacher's trial.
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Test Banks

The main feature of our Teacher's Guide is the added test banks. Each test bank comes with a minimum of 10 questions, though most have at least 15 and some as many as 50. 

Test banks are clearly identified in the menu structure and are not visible in the student guide. To download a word file for any test bank, visit the relevant page and click on the download icon in the menu to the left. Then select the download link at the top:
You can then use the Word file to create your own exercise or quiz.

We typically include a range of questions, so that it is possible to challenge students. Sometimes there is room for disagreement and discussion. This is an important aspect of writing, as not all rules are written in stone.

Downloading Exercises

Another feature that is unique to the Teacher's Guide is the option to download any of the 110+ exercises. While students can access the digital versions, teachers will also see a download icon in the left-hand menu.

Student Discount Codes

If your students are using the guide, we will provide a 10% discount code for purchasing the writing guide bundle.

For anyone teaching at Concordia University of Edmonton, please see our separate instructions for student access.

Certificates of Completion

Students can earn certificates of completion for most courses in the main writing guide (Parts of Speech, Sentence Structure, Common Sentence Errors, Punctuation, Mechanics, Essay Writing, and Using Quotations). The exception is the citation guides. 

In the teacher's guide, just one course has a certificate of completion. If you visit the Common Sentence Errors course, you will see that the final learning activity is a certificate. For most certificates, students have to visit each lesson and pass each exercise before they can claim their certificate. Certificates show up as achievements on the user's profile page.

Terms of Use

There is no set date for how long a teacher's trial lasts, but we will check in with you to see if you still need access. Any instructor who assigns the text in a class will receive continued access until some time after they stop using the writing guide.

The teacher's guide is meant to be used only by teachers who have adopted the text for a class. Only the videos are freely available on Youtube. All other content is not meant to be shared outside of teaching your own students. Thank you for your understanding.
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